TheĀ HailĀ Holy Queen PrayerĀ was written by a monk who lived a thousand years ago in a monastery on the island of Reichenae (in present-day Germany).

He was known as “Hermann the Cripple,” because he was so physically disabled that he had to be carried everywhere–but all who met him were amazed by his joyful personality and brilliant intellect.

When God established the Kingdom of Israel under King David, the Queen of the Kingdom was not theĀ wifeĀ of the King, but rather theĀ motherĀ of the King.

When God established the Kingdom of Israel under King David, the Queen of the Kingdom was not the wife of the King, but rather the mother of the King. 

When the archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary, he revealed that her son, Jesus, would be given “the throne of His father, David…and of His Kingdom, there will be no end.”

Mary (and Blessed Hermann) recognized that this meant that since she was the mother of the King, she would be the Queen. And since Jesus is the King forever, ruling in Heaven, this also means she has been made the Queen of His Heavenly Kingdom.

Blessed Hermann wrote this prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latin and named it after the first line, “Salve Regina.” 

TheĀ Hail Holy QueenĀ is a lovely prayer with deep theological meaning.

In our new book, Fairest Lady: Hail Holy Queen in Sacred Art, we include an explanation of each phrase in the prayer. 

As you read this book aloud, our simple explanations on each page will help you answer questions and give insights to your children into Marian theology (you may also learn something new, too!).

And as a special homage to Blessed Hermann, weĀ included the original Latin text at the end ofĀ this book.

Our Sacred Art Book Set has been updated to include the (now)Ā THREEĀ Sacred Art for Young Children books! When you pre-order this set, not only will you get these 3 books at a discount, you will also getĀ our Rosary PostersĀ FREE.

Yes, get thisĀ stunning 20-set of posters completely FREEĀ when youĀ pre-order ourĀ Sacred Art Set!