Here is a hidden gem from the Holy Heroes site that most people don’t even KNOW we have!

Created by my older sister and her college roommate, the Spiritual Adoption Activity Book is the #1 best way to teach your children about prenatal development through videos and activities!

Let me SHOW you how to use this book and why you need this for your kids (watch my video below):

Teach your children about pre-natal development and raise a pro-life generation that recognizing the incredible gift and uniqueness of every human life!

You can find an entire 40 week workbook and DVD to help you do this–>just click here.

“It’s very easy on the parents. Really! There is no preparation work at all. And it’s very engaging for the kids,” writes a grateful mom of five children, ages two to eleven years old. 

Here is what this program will do:

  1. Introduce your children to the Culture of Life in a gentle way
  2. Teach your children about the development in the womb
    • This is especially fun to do while mom is pregnant with another sibling! Start the program to follow along with the development of the newest sibling!
  3. Inspire them with the power of prayer
    • While it can feel that there are many more important things to do for the pro-life movement, prayer is incredibly important. Show your kids that!
  4. Give them amazing scientific videos and activities that they can continue to reference back to if they have questions or doubts!

For a limited time, we are offering the Activity Book & DVD for less than $20

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