A few years ago when I was in a hotel pool with a bunch of the kids at a conference, another father in the pool began a conversation with one of my daughters about the scapular she was wearing.  He noticed that we all were wearing them.  And even more: he knew what they were.

That was unusual: most of the time, we’re asked questions about the scapulars we wear because people have NO IDEA what they are!

We ended up having quite a conversation as he reminisced about his Catholic upbringing. He told his young daughter (who was swimming around with my girls) that he might see about getting her a scapular, too, if she wanted one.

Since today (July 16th) is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, it’s a good day to answer the what, why, how and any other questions you (or your children) might have about this sacramental, the Brown Scapular. 

Here are two short posts to read all about it:

  1. This great overview from Karen Edmisten which we found on The Catholic Answer website–> click here.
  2. THEN–read this from Msgr Charles Pope (even shorter!) for the simple explanation of the 3 things you must do to merit the promises of the Brown Scapular which were made to St Simon Stock on July 16, 1251–> click here.

To help you and your children with your rosary, giving you great meditation-aids, please consider:

  • Our new prayer booklet with everything you need to renew & invigorate your praying (beautiful art, Scripture, bead-by-bead meditations, etc.) based on the suggestions of Saint John Paul II (just click here — and quantity discounts start at only 5 books) 
  • Get a free rosary CD (kids learn so fast when they listen in the car or at bedtime) as our “Deal of the Day” with Glory Story 13 Secrets from Heaven: The Story of the Children of Fatima (just click here)

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