Print this off and hang on your fridge to help your kids get out the door to Sunday Mass!

Does every Sunday morning feel like a struggle as you are trying to get everyone ready and out the door in time for Mass?

Forget preparing hearts and minds for Sunday’s readings and the Eucharist–you’re just trying to find shoes!

Equip your children to prepare THEMSELVES for Sunday Mass with this handy checklist.

This checklist includes everything–from a reminder to go to the bathroom before you leave to saying a quick prayer to your Guardian Angel to keep you focused as Mass (hey, we created this for kids but it’s also great for adults)!

PRO TIP: Slide this checklist into a page protector so your kids can check off each step with a washable marker! Then just wipe it off and reuse it next Sunday!

Download your checklist here:

PS And in the comments below…please tell us anything what we forgot to put on it!

Now that you’ve streamlined your Sunday mornings, make sure you sign up for these FREE Mass Prep resources!

Every week, you will receive:

  • a Sunday Gospel video (presented BY kids FOR kids),
  • a coloring page related to the Gospel,
  • an activity sheet that will keep littles engaged at Mass,
  • and a quiz for older kids that will require them to pay attention to the readings!!

This program is entirely FREE and will help kids prepare themselves for Mass and then ACTUAL PAY attention since they KNOW what to listen and look for during Mass!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

Enter your email address to receive free daily activity downloads and videos all through Lent!

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