SPECIAL Holy Heroes Podcast Episode:

We released an entire Glory Story on last week’s episode!

Have you been wanting to hear Glory Stories? This is the perfect opportunity!!

If you have a First Communicant, don’t forget to download our Novena

This Novena is designed to be engaging and easy to understand, and the prayers will help your child deepen their faith.

The daily prayers include:

  • a prayer for your parish priest who will give First Communion,
  • a prayer to Blessed Imelda, 
  • a prayer to your Guardian Angel to help prepare for First Communion,
  • 2 Traditional Eucharistic prayers (Anima Christi and the Divine Praises),
  • and 4 others that will help your child prepare his or her heart and mind for First Holy Communion!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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