by Clara | Oct 19, 2020 | Saints
In 1997, on October 19th, Pope John Paul II declared St. Thérèse of Lisieux a Doctor of the Church! On this day 23 years ago, Pope John Paul II said: “Thérèse Martin, a discalced Carmelite of Lisieux, ardently desired to be a missionary. She was one, to...
by Clara | Oct 1, 2020 | Spiritual Adoption
While there are always plenty of ways for adults to get involved with pro-life ministry, it can sometimes be difficult to involve young kids. How do you raise pro-life children without injuring their innocence or overwhelming them? We have created a list of easy ways...
by Clara | Sep 2, 2020 | Meditations & Encouragement, Product Highlight
In order to better serve our audience, we sent out a survey to hundreds of Catholic families across the country and asked what their parish re-opening plan was for the fall. We found some interesting results– Only 5% of the respondents have Sunday Mass...
by Clara | Jul 28, 2020 | Product Highlight
A Mother Mary Loyola Classic…available for a new generation of children and their parents! This beloved catechetical tool (most often used to prepare children for 1st Communion) has been used by generations of teachers and parents to instill habits of personal...
by Clara | Jul 25, 2020 | Articles
When you hear about the Works of Mercy, when was the last time you heard about this one? It is actually prevented from being accomplished in today’s world, but here’s how to join us in a way that you can do from home. What Work of Mercy is it? Visit the...