Why we broke our #1 rule at Holy Heroes

Why we broke our #1 rule at Holy Heroes

Keep reading…we can explain WHY we had to break this rule.  Here’s the thing:  We don’t sell fiction. Don’t get me wrong–fiction is amazing. However, our primary goal is to provide children with the truth of the Catholic...
NEW: 400 Moms Helped Us Create This

NEW: 400 Moms Helped Us Create This

We conducted research with over 400 Catholic moms to determine which of Blessed Carlo’s quotes would be most inspiring for bedtime and first-thing-in-the-morning prayer reminders. The result? This pillowcase! Our pillowcase features a beautiful image of Blessed...
Only open if you have a BOY

Only open if you have a BOY

If you’ve been around here for long, you’ve probably heard my daughters LOVE Clare’s Costly Cookie. Once we shared it with our fans, hundreds of other young girls fell in love with Clare.  But then we started getting emails: “What...
How Do Kids Find Porn? [Top 10 Ways]

How Do Kids Find Porn? [Top 10 Ways]

Our friends at Defend Young Minds recently released their blog post “How Do Kids Find Porn? Top 10 Ways in 2023.” Incredibly helpful and filled with resources, we wanted to share the blog post with our audience and include some suggestions for our own....

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