On April 23, 2022, the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Jerusalem entered the edicule inside the Church of the Holy Sepulachre to receive the miraculous Holy Fire from Heaven!
The Church of the Holy Sepulachre was built over the site of Jesus’ Crucifixtion and tomb. This magnificent church was planned to enclose the site of both the cross and the tomb in the Old City of Jerusalum. Though it has been rebuilt and changed over the many years of civilization, it continues to be one of the largest pilgrimage sites in the world.
The part of the Church that specificly covers the tomb that Jesus was buried in after His Crucifiction is called the edicule. It is from inside this smaller structure within the Church of the Holy Sepulachre that the Orthodox patriarch receives the miraculous Holy Fire.
For thousands of years, this miraculous event has occured with no earthly explanation of how this Holy Fire lights the Patriach’s candles at the beginning of the Easter vigil.
You can watch clips from this miracle in 2019 below:
You can find a short report from Reuters on this year’s miraculus event here.
Wow! There is so much more to learn about this incredible miracle that takes place nearly every Easter Season.
To can learn more about this miralce (including what happened in 1579 when the Orthodox patriach was not allowed to enter the Church—hint: the fire still appeared!) in the best-selling book. The amazing Holy Mysteries! book covers 12 investigations into extraordinary miracles of the Church—including the Holy Fire of the Holy Sepulachre.
With full color images and photographs, this is such an important book for children (and adults!) to read to learn more about the miracles still happening in our world today! This book is flying off the shelves as more and more people seek to learn about miracles like:
- Why does the bell of Rocamadour sometimes ring for no reason?
- Did the sun really dance at Fatima before 70,000 people?
- Did a Host from a Mass actually turn into human flesh?
- Whose face appears on the Shroud of Turin, and how did it get on it?
- What happens with the Holy Fire at the Holy Sepulcher every Holy Saturday evening?
- Who was the mysterious carpenter that built a spiral staircase without nails that stands by itself?
- How did the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe get painted on the tilma of Juan Diego?
- How do the bodies of some saints remain intact and never corrupt?
Would you like to learn more about the miracles of the Church–especially in regards to saints?
Our NEW Blessed Carlo Acutis: The Amazing Discovery of a Teenager in Heaven book is now available for pre-order!
Over 128 pages, you’ll follow along, step-by-step, the methodical process the Catholic Church follows to determine who is in Heaven, and the miracles which revealed that Carlo was already there.
Extensively researched and incorporating details from official Church documents and personal interviews with Blessed Carlo’s mother, you’ll learn:
- What miracles astounded him so much that he created a website to share them with the world?
- What simple habits did he incorporate into his life, plus the weaknesses he struggled with?
- What did he call his “kit” for becoming a saint, which fits the lives of modern children and teens?
- What was the miracle–7 years to the day of his death–which led to the beatification?
- What still remains before the Church can recognize him as “Saint Carlo Acutis”?
If your child has ever wondered, “how does someone become a Saint?” then this is the book for them!

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!