Popping on here today because I wanted to take a quick video to show you a close-up of a NEW resource we just released!

In case you missed it, our Blessed Carlo Prayer Pillowcase launched this month and we’ve had such a great response!

When we decided to create this pillow (with input from over 400 moms!), we were so excited to FINALLY have Glory Story art on a prayer pillowcase! We have a HUGE collection of prayer pillowcases, but we wanted one specific to a Glory Story!

Check out the short video to get a close-up of the pillowcase and WHY it’s so soft!

Right now, we are including a FREE Blessed Carlo Acutis prayer card with every pillowcase (so if you order 5, we will include 5 prayer cards)!

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is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara's writing!