Holy Week is fast approaching and we want to help your family grow closer to Jesus Christ during this sacred time.
Here are a collection of resources to help your family best appreciate this holy time.
Pssst–you can find 4!! helpful resources in our Holy Week Survival Kit.
Special Plenary Indulgences During Holy Week
During the holiest week of the Liturgical Year, there are a variety of opportunities for your family to gain plenary indulgences.
Click the button below to get a full list of plenary indulgences available.
And remember: you can get a plenary indulgence for yourself –OR– for the deceased, but NOT for any other person still alive on earth.
So, think of all your friends, family, and acquaintances who have died, during this past difficult year or whom you remember from even longer ago. We like to discuss in our family for whom each of us are asking the indulgence and “plan” a bit, so we don’t “double up” and recall all whom God in His Providence has given us to pray for!
Good Friday Gospel Coloring Download
The Good Friday Gospel Reading is looooong.
To help kids pay attention to the entire reading, we have created a 18 page coloring download that corresponds with the Good Friday Gospel reading! Kids can follow along with the picture during the Good Friday Service or even color the pages beforehand to prepare themselves for a longer Gospel reading.
And since the Gospel the same every Good Friday, you can reuse this download for years!
Lenten Adventure (and Easter Adventure too!)
If you aren’t already signed up for Lenten Adventure, you can still sign up for Holy Week!
These daily videos, activities, and printables can help your kids refocus during this last week of Lent AND celebrate the entire Easter Octave!
Join over 33,000 Catholic families in using Lenten Adventure to grow in their Catholic faith this Lent and Easter season!
DIY Paschal Candle Kit
This gorgeous new Paschal Candle Kit is exceptionally lovely and has become an annual tradition for thousands of Catholic families!
“We purchase a Paschal candle making kit every year without fail. We love putting it together and learning about the symbolism behind all the parts of it. This year we’re getting it blessed!“
Each kit contains everything you need to make one solid 8” pillar candle out of 100% pure beeswax sheets as well as: wicking, rhinestones, nails, pre-printed water decal labels and an inspiring explanation of the liturgical importance and symbolism of beeswax candles.
Make your own Paschal Candle and teach your kids about why the candle is important!
Tenebrae Service At-Home

A few years ago, our parish began holding a Tenebrae service and we found it a beautiful way to participate in the solemn beauty of Holy Week.
Tenebrae is a Latin word that means “shadows,” and it is an ancient form of worship, done by candlelight, that provides an opportunity to prayerfully reflect on our Lord’s suffering and death. It is composed of a series of Scripture readings and songs, which are punctuated by the gradual extinguishing of candles that symbolize the gradual extinguishing of Christ’s life on the cross.
The liturgy culminates in almost complete darkness, followed by a loud noise that symbolizes the earthquake that occurred when Jesus died, and it concludes with a single light reappearing that reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus’ resurrection.
Now, while Tenebrae services are slowly becoming more popular, many families still aren’t able to attend one at their local parish.
Our Tenebrae At-Home Download includes the Scripture readings, prayers, and bonus votive candle wraps that can be used to pray a Tenebrae Service at home as a family.
Lenten Triptych Craft
Lent is long and with the short attention spans of small children, it is not surprising that many families feel completely burned out halfway through Lent. But don’t worry–we have something to help prevent that!
To help encourage and re-engage your little ones in their Lenten devotions below is a Lenten Triptych printable that can be printed, colored in, and set up as a reminder of the upcoming Triduum.
If your kids enjoy the Lenten Triptych Craft, make sure you also check out the Easter Triptych Craft as well! This is a great craft to do on Holy Saturday!
I have a question about plenary Indulgences. If you are alone and don’t have a second person to pray the rosary with, If you pray the rosary, any time, with the rosary on a CD does that count for gaining a plenary.