Western North Carolina has been devastated by dam failures, bridges and roads being washed away–all from Hurricane Helene. We are sending supplies via airdrop and now vehicles loaded with supplies.

Below–an update about what we have been able to do with your help.

Remember: If you are in another area of the country and want to help with supplies and want to know that your help is going directly to those who need it:

DO THIS: Leave a “tip” with any order you make a HolyHeroes.com, and we will use that money for local relief efforts that we know are getting through. This week, 100% of the tips we receive with any orders will go towards purchasing supplies for people impacted in our Diocese.

Thank you for your help and please pray–pray for those currently suffering, those on the ground working, and the repose of those who have died.

Now–an update on what we have been able to do with your help:

If you missed yesterday’s update, CLICK HERE.

If you are looking for a way to make a tip on your Holy Heroes order, here is a screen recording of HOW to do it:

Can I ask one more thing? 

Can you begin praying for those who died this weekend?

Based on what we are hearing from those on the ground, the death toll in NC will be very high. I know you have probably already received an email encouraging you to do this All Souls plenary indulgence, but now more than ever, I am going to remind you about this often-forgotten practice. 

Please–have your family, friends, parish, etc. start praying for those who died this weekend. They can too quickly be forgotten as we are trying to care for those still here. 

In addition to praying for the dead, now is also an important time to learn the Send your Angel to Mass prayer.

When our Sunday Mass obligation was lifted this weekend due to concerns about traveling post-hurricane, I was reminded of 2020 when we couldn’t go to Mass for several weeks (God bless our priests who pivoted to outdoor Masses as soon as possible to give us access to the Eucharist). This prayer was an incredible comfort then and this natural disaster was a good reminder that I need to have this prayer memorized…because you just never know what the future has in store.