“My 14-year-old daughter gave a Lenten Daily Prayer & Sacrifice card to a woman she babysits for and when she read it she started to tear up–she was so moved to know we were praying for her the day we listed. She is new to the area, so doesn’t know many families yet, so I guess it touched her more than we might have thought.”

This Lent, give spiritual companionship by offering your daily prayers and penances for others…and let them KNOW that they are being spiritually supported by sending a Lenten Daily Prayer and Sacrifice Card.

Watch this video below to learn how you can EASILY incorporate this Lenten practice:

Here are a few more reviews about these cards:

“I love the daily cards and have begun sending one out each day to the person I am praying for each day of Lent. I’ve already received good feedback from friends whom I have sent them to!

“The artwork is beautiful. I can’t wait to start giving them out during Lent!”

“Great product to share with my prayer partners/bible group friends. Thank you!”

Have you started sending your Lenten Daily Prayer & Sacrifice Cards? We would love to hear stories of how people have reacted!

FREE Daily Lenten Activities for kids 4-12

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