You may remember this blog post from a few months ago.

The quick summary is that after seven kids, we finally discovered the perfect phone option for our last (!!!!) teenager.

After running the entire gambit of phone options–not getting our kids’ smartphones until they started driving, getting “pay as you go” flip phones that wouldn’t connect to the internet, waiting until they could pay their own phone bill (so they would be responsible for their possessions)…we finally discovered the perfect solution!

Have you ever heard of the Gabb phone?

We were shocked that we had never heard of it before one of our older daughters sent a link (very helpful when they become parents themselves and can help send tips).

Very quickly we realized that this was the answer to all our phone concerns when it comes to preteens (and even teens)! If you’d like to read more about WHY we picked this phone, you can read my last blog post HERE.

Long story short, we love the Gabb phone because it keeps kids connected through text and call. BUT, it does not have access to the internet, social media, and games!

Gabb’s mission is to provide an age-appropriate device as a first phone to teach kids how to develop healthy tech habits. And we can attest–it has been a great success in our family!

Now–why I am talking about the Gabb phone again right now:

Right now, you can get any Gabb device (phone or watch) for 50% off with our coupon code HOLYHEROES.

This is an incredible deal so if you’ve been thinking about this option for your child–please do not delay!

Caroline has been loving her Gabb phone because it allows her to be part of our family text group. She gets pictures of her nieces and (in her words), “isn’t the last person to hear about everything.”

Kerri and I are loving the Gabb phone because we can always reach her when she is at activities without having to worry about all the things that normal phones entail.

Don’t forget–this huge discount ends August 31st so if you have been considering this for your family, click below and use code HOLYHEROES:

What if your kids already have a smartphone, tablet, or computer? There is another way that you can protect them online! One they all hit college, they need smartphones for everything from attendance to taking online quizzes in class and linking to assignments–no getting around it, we discovered. SO: we had to find a way to protect them no matter WHERE the devices were (you can’t just filter a home network if they are not on that network all the time, right?). Here is our solution:

It’s called “Covenant Eyes” & it’s working very well for us.

We’ve been using it on devices we use for work and school, for our children who are in the house, who have iPhones and laptops and tablets of their own and are in & out of our direct supervision, and also for our children who have left home for college.

JUST SIGN UP RIGHT NOW via this link to get your 30-day money-back guarantee (you must use this link, because this offer is a special deal for Holy Heroes customers–the Covenant Eyes folks thought they needed to give me a kick to make me stop procrastinating since they knew my family was using this already for months):

OH:  and it is PERFECT for large families because it is a FAMILY MONTHLY fee of just $16.99 when the free trial ends: unlimited devices, family members, everything.

Finally, don’t forget another very important resource to use with your children BEFORE you give them access to technology–the Good Pictures, Bad Pictures books. You can read an entire blog post about why these books are so important HERE.

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