This month and especially on January 22nd, we are praying for the legal protection of unborn children.
To help you participate in this national day of prayer, we have compiled a range of resources so that whatever the ages of your kids or however busy your schedule, you can find a way to pause and pray for the unborn!
And as all moms & dads know: children LOVE to pray for babies to be born and for mommies! You don’t have to mention abortion, just pray for babies to be born so mommies can hold them–your kids will delight in it (and their sweet innocent sincere prayers are much-loved in Heaven)!
First, here’s something great for your children: print our Pro-Life coloring page below and bring it along to a Holy Hour, a long bus ride to the March for Life, or a parish Rosary for Life! This beautiful coloring page will show children how both inside and outside the womb, babies are beautiful! (And you can tell your little ones how much they kicked you!)
A Rosary for Life
On January 22nd, consider praying a Rosary for Life with the intention for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. You can find pro-life themes for each of the Mysteries of the Rosary below:
- Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
- Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary
- Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
- Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
Psst–you can find 21 Tips for Praying a Family Rosary here
Holy Hour for Life
If you are not able to attend a March for Life (or even if you are), consider praying a Holy Hour for Life on January 22nd. You can find prayers and readings for a Holy Hour for Life here.
For additional resources related to praying a Holy Hour, check out How to Make a Holy Hour pamphlet (these are especially great for youth groups).
Blessing before a March for Life
Blessing for Pro-Life Pilgrimages is a beautiful thing to do before you leave for the National March for Life. You can do this whether you are going as a family or joining a larger group (you may even be able to find a Priest to lead it).
Another great prayer to hand out to a March for Life group are these Spiritual Adoption Prayer Cards. Bulk discounts are automatically available so you can get them for your entire pro-life group.
Spiritual Adoption
This is a great thing to do with young children–they can pray for the unborn without having to understand the dangers of abortion.
You can find Spiritual Adoption Prayer Cards or an entire Spiritual Adoption Activity Book with DVD that you can use for the entire nine months! This program opens their hearts and minds to the wonder of how babies develop–and how THEY developed, too! Knowing the truth of pre-birth development (what a doctors’ group calls the time of “Newborns in Training”) will make your children joyfully pro-life without every mentioning abortion.
You can also sign up for our Spiritual Adoption Prayer Adventure which will include biweekly reminders and videos to help your children learn about the prenatal development of the unborn baby you have “spiritually” adopted!
10-week Baby Charm
All our kids LOVE these! Great for keychains, backpacks, purses–you name it! A cute little charm that shows the approximate size of a baby during the tenth week of pregnancy. This is a subtle way to acknowledge the beauty of the unborn throughout the entire year.
With bulk discounts, you can even get them for your parish, pro-life group, or school!
PS–if you have an idea not included on this list, could you take a moment and leave your idea in the comments? We would love to have additional ideas available for families! Please just type up a note to share with us while you are online.

Thanks for the coloring page! Are there any books you’d recommend to explain the issue of pro life in an age appropriate way to children? We have kids ages 4, 7, and 10.