Christmas is approaching…which means you are beginning to get questions from your parents about what they should buy their grandkids for Christmas. (YES: MY parents are asking my sister and her husband again and again…even though since their granddaughter has 6 aunts she will get a lot of hand-me-downs which are so cute and no one has worn for 10 years!)
What if you could suggest a gift that both the grandparents AND grandkids would love on Christmas Day?
We looked at the customer reviews of our products–just the 5-star ones–which were by grandparents talking about their grandkids reactions.
Several products received rave reviews–most notably:
- Glory Stories audio CDs got a LOT of great comments (about kids calling grandpa or grandma all excited to talk about what they had learned from a new saint story)
- Rosary products, too: kids are really inspired by the Scripture behind the rosary mysteries, and they listen and contemplate and want to talk about the stories which make up the mysteries
- Catholic Games for all ages: depends on the age and personality of the child, of course, and game-lovers are given gifts of games!
But there was one product which far and away garnered topnotch testimonials from Grandparents about the wonder they inspired in their grandchildren and the joy they found sharing them together:
TA-DA-THE WINNER: The set of Catholic Treasure Box books!
Whether just 1 or all 20, these books are the perfect addition to the Christmas Tree! The charm and catechetical information make these books great gifts for children…and their parents! Every book contains a mix of saint stories, poems, games, and even the occasional craft. And to test drive them, you can get Books 13-16 which tell in serial fashion the The Christmas Story & Jesus as a Child from the Annunciation through the Holy Family’s return to Nazareth!
And a really neat thing about these books: The inside front & back covers have all sorts of explanatory information so no matter what the question inspired in a child, you can check the “cheat sheet” so you have the correct Catholic answer!
Here’s what grandparents told us, in their own words:
“This set of 6 books was a gift for my granddaughters…they (ages 4 & 3) absolutely loved them. The stories are excellent!”
“This sweet and simple book gives me suggestions, rhymes and ideas to use with my pre-school aged grandchildren. I just love it.”
“My daughter requested these books for her kids for Christmas (my grandbabies)!”
This product consistently receives great reviews from grandparents so we know we have found a solidly Catholic product that is not only entertaining and educational for the kids, but enjoyable for the grandparents and parents reading them aloud!
I and all my siblings always loved having these books read to us and then reading them aloud to ourselves or younger siblings.
And one thing we loved the MOST were the funny rhymes about naughty children on each of the back covers! Mom liked them too: the rhymes solved some of our bad habits!
Watch these short videos below in which Lillian reads “Munching Margaret” and Caroline reads “Rocking Pete.”
Some of the books also have sweet tunes which you can sing and play on the piano, like the Guardian Angel tune which Lillian plays in this other blogpost here.
Which Treasure Box books are your favorite? Let us know which one and why!
PS You can always shop by age of your grandkids–not only for the littlest, but also the teens & young adults, and full-grown ones, too! Just click here.

is the Brand Manager for Holy Heroes after handling many other roles over the years. Make sure you sign up for our emails to receive more of Clara’s writing!