I saw an email from another mom this morning about how crazy these next 2 weeks are and I was relieved not to be the only one struggling!

So much to do and with an ever-distracted world, I thought I would share what I’ve noted down about the next 16 days (maybe you have too?):

September 29

Print this Archangel banner for my daughter to color so we can hang it in our home to celebrate the Feast of the Archangels!

October 1

She’s not just a regular saint–she is also a Doctor of the Church! I will be downloading the audio drama of St. Therese along with this coloring companion to keep little hands busy while listening!

Psssttt–if you are tired of having to keep up with downloading individual Glory Stories for each feast day, save a bunch when you download the entire collection HERE.

October 2

Another wonderful day celebrating angels! On Wednesday, I want to start saying the Send Your Angel to Mass prayer during our family prayers so we can all learn this little known gem. Of course, there is also a FREE coloring download, too!

October 3

This is a First Friday so we are going to try to make it to Mass! If you haven’t started your family’s First Friday devotion, I encourage you to start this month!

You can also get a jump start on your First Saturday devotion as well–kids LOVE using this scorecard to keep track (and stay motivated!) for the Five First Saturdays!

October 4

First Saturday–so we will be at Mass. One of my sisters chose Saint Francis as her Confirmation Saint, so Oct 4th will be a cake or something that she wants to note the day. Some area parishes are blessing animals (but we don’t have one–a three year old is enough!). To be honest: we have never done anything special for Saint Francis…I don’t know why. What do you do to celebrate Saint Francis? Tell me in the comments, please.

October 5

I have a personal devotion to the Divine Mercy chaplet so I don’t want to miss the Feast of St. Faustina! This is one of my favorite Glory Stories and if you haven’t prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet as a family, you can get a beautiful sung version in our Family Prayer Kit!

October 7

While the entire month of October is dedicated to the Rosary, we celebrate it in a special way on October 7th with the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

October 9

This is a new Solemnity for many families, but based on how many have been downloading the Glory Story recently, I think it is going to become very popular in the years to come!

Join us in celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lady of Champion–find resources to help you celebrate in last year’s blog post!

October 12

We round out this marathon of celebrations by celebrating the wildly popular Blessed Carlo Acutis!!

We just released this NEW download of Carlo’s 8 Steps for Becoming a Saint (yes, he wrote these down during his short life of striving towards sainthood)! A perfect companion to his Glory Story–though if you order today, you can receive the Blessed Carlo Acutis coloring book by October 12, too!

Psssttt–if you are tired of having to keep up with downloading individual Glory Stories for each feast day, save a bunch when you order the entire collection HERE. On SALE now, this is the perfect time to download the entire collection since you will be able to use several of them in the next 2 weeks!

Well, that was a LOT of information, but I hope it is helpful for your planning! Leave a comment of how you are celebrating any (or all!) of these feast days!

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